For many years Take Three, Inc. operated two distinct websites to serve our clients. LED Rope Lights And More was our first website and it focused on the accent and architectural lighting market. LED lighting products such as rope lights (as the name implied), flexible neon lights, tape lights, and Christmas string lights were popular with our residential customers. A few years after LED Rope Lights And More opened, we launched a second website devoted to more commercial applications for LED lights, which became our main Take Three Lighting website. With a variety of energy efficient LED and fluorescent offerings, Take Three Lighting was focused on more general indoor and outdoor lighting fixtures for both commercial lighting and residential lighting projects.
While initially the two websites served different purposes and different client bases, as time went on, we realized that more of our clients wanted products from both websites. Our residential customers from LED Rope Lights And More wanted the occasional recessed downlight fixture or LED bulbs to go with their rope light, and our commercial electrical contractor clients from Take Three Lighting were in need of accent lighting solutions for special application projects. It became clear to us that the purchasing experience of our clients was suffering, becoming cumbersome due to how our lighting products were split between two different websites.
We had to change something.
So in order to unify all our products and branding under one roof and create a smoother, more consistent user experience for our clients, we shut down our ledropelightsandmore.com website in May 2016 and merged it into Take Three Lighting (which received a facelift at the same time).
The result of this effort is the new Take Three Lighting: a centralized portal where all our clients, both residential and commercial, can find any type of energy efficient lighting needed for their projects.
And what of all the products from the previous website? Don’t worry, all of our accent and architectural lighting products from the old LED Rope Lights And More website can now be found under the
Accent Lighting category.
Happy Lighting!